Garden Hose Rack: The Secret to an Organized Space

Garden Hose Rack: The Secret to an Organized Space

Hey guys! Today, we're going to learn how to create a practical and charming holder for your garden hose. 

Luiza Paiva, from the "Ideias no Varal" channel, shared with us a simple and useful idea that will transform the way you handle your hose and, consequently, help organize your garden. 

In the video entitled "LEARN HOW TO MAKE AN EASY HOSE HOLDER | DO IT YOURSELF / HOSE HOLDER", you will discover how this smart holder can keep your hose organized and ready to use at any time. 

Let's go!

Step 1: Materials Needed

To get started, you will need the following materials:

  • A pine plank 10 cm wide and 2 cm thick.

  • A plastic vase (or similar) to use as a mold.

  • A hacksaw.

  • Sandpaper to finish.

  • Dowels and screws for wall mounting.

  • Wall paint and craft brush.

  • Paper napkin.

Step 2: Cutting and Sanding

Mark 2 cm of indentation at each end of the batten and, using a plastic vase as a template, make a mark to cut a half moon at the end. 

Then use a jigsaw to make the cut. After cutting, give the piece a good sanding to leave the wood with a beautiful finish.

Step 3: Paint and Stencil

Now, to give the piece a special touch, you can use wall paint and a craft brush to create a foliage stencil. 

Be sure to use a paper napkin to remove excess ink and prevent leaks. 

Wait for the painting to dry completely.

Step 4: Fixing to the Wall

Drill two holes at the ends of the batten to allow for wall mounting. 

Use dowels and screws to ensure the bracket is secure and secure. 

If you don't have a bicycle rack like the one used in the video, you can create one made entirely of wood, which will also look great.

Step 5: Final Finishing

To protect the piece from the elements, apply an outdoor varnish. 

Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for the correct application of the varnish. 

Let it dry completely.

Step 6: Enjoy Your Hose Holder

Now you have a charming and functional holder for your hose! 

Just hang it on the support and enjoy the organization and practicality it offers your garden.

Don't miss the chance to transform your garden organization in a simple and creative way. 

Watch the video "LEARN HOW TO MAKE AN EASY HOSE SUPPORT | DO IT YOURSELF / HOSE HOLDER" from the "Ideias no Varal" channel and find out how to create a charming support for your hose. 

Take advantage of Luiza Paiva's tips and make your space more organized and functional. 

Subscribe, like the video and share it with your friends who also want to keep their garden in order. 

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